Hi, my name is Kathye and I am an Expressive Arts Facilitator. I paint as a practice to live an inspired life. The intuitive painting process has positively affected my life in so many ways. I now invite you to share this journey with me and live an inspired life!
Kathye Conti, Founder
Our Mission
To introduce the tool of Intuitive painting as an expressive art. This process will help individuals step into the unknown, face fears and create inspired lives which is our masterpiece! Provide a safe, loving, caring, sacred environment where students are able to paint a journey into self exploration developing and discovering their pure potential. To facilitate students through the painting process of letting go, trusting and listening to ones intuition as they allow the paint to flow from brush to paper. Be there to listen and validate each students journey as they explore their individual needs through the process. Help students recognize that we are individuals and that each painting is unique to ourselves. No two are alike, like a snowflake or the patterns that arise out of a kaleidoscope. Each has it's own unique beauty! Explore meditation as a way to stay connected to the source of all creativity.